Foredrag torsdag den 11. december 2003 kl. 19.00

Dansk Elektrokemisk Forening indbyder til julemøde torsdag den 11. december kl 19.00 på DTU, bygning 101, mødelokale 2 (opad trappen ved Polyteknisk Boghandel). Aftens foredragsholder er lektor Susan Stipp, KU. Der blandt andet har arbejdet med jernoxider og redox processer i geologiske prøver. For nyligt har en del af arbejdet været beskrevet af fagbladet Ingeniøren i en artikel om grøn rust til jordrensning.

Efter foredraget vil der traditionen tro blive serveret gløgg og æbleskiver.

Reactions at natural solid/fluid interfaces

Susan Stipp, Geologisk Institut, Københavns Universitet

In natural systems, redox processes play a large role in the composition of solids and fluids. Investigations at molecular-level improve our understanding of such processes as environmental contamination, the conversion of sediments to rock, the production of oil or gas, the formation of ore bodies and biomineralisation. Using surface-sensitive, as well as conventional techniques, we probe the nano-scale world of mineral surface reactions. This talk will describe the sorts of work we do, with focus on the redox processes and will explain how electrochemical techniques can help.